No. According to a research done in Japan, Mosquitoes like blood type O more than AB. Do you know your blood type? Some say that those with type O blood are the most likely to be bitten by...
Archives: Blog
Discovering that you have small worms in your house is one thing, but figuring out what kind of small worms you have can be another entirely. While there are several different types of small...
7 Ways How to Control a Stink Bug Infestation Without Smelling Bad Yourself
Have you ever been on the receiving end of stink bug odor? If so, you’ll know that this odor can be terrible to deal with in any capacity and tough to remove from your home, clothes, and anything...
When it comes to controlling pests in your home, fruit flies can be one of the most frustrating—and common—species you have to contend with. These pesky little critters can quickly become an...
Roaches are an absolute nightmare to deal with, whether they are in your home or your office. Roaches can spread bacteria and cause disease, making it imperative that you get rid of them as soon as...
Best Way To Repel Bed Bugs From Biting You. It's no secret that getting bed bugs in your home is a nightmare. If you've never had unwelcome visitors, it's difficult to comprehend how frightening they...