Have you ever been on the receiving end of stink bug odor? If so, you’ll know that this odor can be terrible to deal with in any capacity and tough to remove from your home, clothes, and anything else you might have been carrying it on.
While there are commercial products available that can help remove the smell of stink bugs, these chemicals also smell pretty bad themselves! So what’s a stink bug-fighting household to do?
Here are 7 ways how to control a stink bug infestation without smelling bad yourself!
Control a Stink Bug Infestation

1) Vacuum Them Up
Stink bugs are attracted to dark and secluded areas, so clean up any fallen debris in your home. If you do find stink bugs, pick them up with a vacuum cleaner instead of squishing them with your hands.
Killing stink bugs instantly is easy—you just need to make sure they don’t fly away. Keeping them contained is essential if you want to prevent an infestation or deal with one effectively; otherwise, they’ll just return once their wings dry out.
Stink bugs in the house are annoying but not toxic, which makes managing them easier than other pests—but it doesn’t make it enjoyable or smell good. Fortunately, you can try some of these techniques for controlling a stink bug infestation without smelling bad yourself.
First, remove as many stink bugs as possible from your home by vacuuming them up (the more you get at once, the better). Then put some rolled-up newspapers near entrances where stink bugs tend to come into your home.
The papers will help funnel stink bugs into your vacuum trap when they crawl on it looking for somewhere to hide. After that, leave windows open and turn on fans throughout your house to encourage stink bugs outside.
Read: How to get rid of stink bug smell on your hands
2) Lure Them into Traps
We’ve talked about homemade stink bug traps before, but we haven’t mentioned DIY lures—which can be fun ways to get rid of your pests. Some methods call for using containers of spoiled fruit or old meat (the smellier, the better).
If you want to be more tech-savvy, learn how to build an online stink bug trap that attracts pests based on pheromones and other enticing smells. You could also try bugged-out sprays and powders that lure stink bugs towards walls and objects where they’ll stick (ideal for cars and other moving vehicles).
The goal is simple: make your home unappealing enough that your stink bugs leave on their own. Remember, killing stink bugs with chemicals isn’t advised as it could create additional problems.
The same goes for pesticides; instead, use organic means to repel them like peppermint oil or orange peel (which naturally mask bad odors). Just remember that stink bugs are attracted to dark spaces, so clean up food crumbs in corners and behind appliances regularly.
Article: What spiders eat stink bugs?

3) Spray them with Water
Did you know that stink bugs can’t fly in wet weather? That’s why it is always good to keep some spray bottles around. You can easily get rid of stink bugs in your house by just spraying them with water.
They don’t like to crawl through water because their bodies are exposed and they will die if they do it for too long. So, just keep on sprinkling some water now and then whenever you see any activity of these pests and you won’t smell bad even when killing them.
This is one of those ways how to kill stink bugs instantly without using harmful chemicals. If you have pets or kids at home, you can also try freezing their favorite toys or food items. They hate getting frozen as well and might leave everything alone once they feel cold themselves.
4) Cover up Bug’s Exits
It’s not just what you put on that will keep stink bugs at bay, but also how you deal with those bugs before they become a problem. One of their main exits is via an open window or door.
So make sure all your doors and windows are shut tight when you leave each day; otherwise, they might sneak inside when you’re away. Stink bugs can also try and enter through any other opening they can find, such as under windowsills or even down chimneys or drains.
A good way to prevent them from entering these areas is by sealing off these gaps with caulk. While they can get in despite your best efforts, it’ll likely be more difficult for them if you take precautions like these first.

5) Call The Pros
If you’re dealing with an extreme stink bug problem, it’s best to call in an exterminator. Stink bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of yourself.
The residual odor from spray and powder will linger for days after your first use—not exactly something you want lingering around your home.
Instead, contact a pro who knows how best to handle these insects and be ready for relief within 48 hours! Once they’ve been eliminated, there won’t be any more stinky surprises.
6) Use Natural Stink Bug Repellent
Many people have tried over-the-counter stink bug repellents with little success. By their nature, these products are made from petroleum-based ingredients and many have strong chemical smells that can make you ill.
The good news is that there are natural ways to repel these critters. These options include essential oils (such as citronella), herbs (such as marigolds), soaps and detergents (like Ivory), or even citrus fruits like lemons or oranges.
Place bowls of crushed lemons or orange peels around your home – or in your closets – and allow them to sit for several days before disposing of them. You can also add 1/2 cup of baking soda to a spray bottle filled with water.
Shake well and spray directly on bugs and their eggs; reapply every couple of days until they’re gone. You may need to use more than one method at once if you have an especially large problem. Just be sure not to use any chemicals that could harm pets or children!
Article: What happens if you inhale a bug into your lungs?
7) Indoor plants can help too
If you have plants inside your home, they can help keep many flying insects out by blocking off areas of entry, especially if you have trailing plants. If bugs do get in, they’ll likely die before being able to reproduce and make it an issue for you.
It’s also not a bad idea to open windows every so often or set up an air circulation system in your home. Both of these methods will remove stagnant air that attracts pests and cleanse your indoor space.
Remember: You can use natural repellents without worrying about toxic chemicals harming your family or pets! The best way to go is to make your herbal repellent spray. All you need are some common herbs like lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and thyme.
These herbs smell great but bugs hate them! Mix them with water in a spray bottle and spritz around doors and windows as needed. No more stinky bug problems!