Facts about Flies

Flies can convert your home into a petri dish in no time. They’re unpleasant to eat, and they’re known to transmit dangerous viruses, germs, and parasite eggs. It’s made worse by the fact that they eat feces, wound discharge, decomposing debris, and mucus. These creatures should not be flying about your face or settling on your meals.

Over 110,000 species of fly have been identified around the world. Some species, such as the housefly, have been observed in close proximity to people. They are most commonly seen in metropolitan areas, and they thrive in places with easily available food, such as hotels, restaurants, and health care facilities. Despite their repulsive appearance, flies have some fascinating facts to learn about.

Facts about Flies

Fly insect

1. Flies do not eat.

Flies have an unusual feeding habit in that their digestive system prevents them from chewing. Instead, when flies land on food, specific enzymes are released, which break down the solid material into liquid, which the flies then devour.

2. Taste receptors are found on the feet of flies.

Before you eat, imagine tasting your meal with your feet. That is exactly what flies do. On their feet, they have taste receptors that allow them to taste the food before eating it. So if you see a fly hovering near your food, it’s most likely checking to see if it’ll be a nice meal.

3. Flies have the ability to see behind them.

Have you ever wondered why, whenever you try to catch a fly, it flees as if it was expecting you? Flies, on the other hand, have complex eyes that allow them to see in all directions. Flies, unlike humans, do not have to spin their bodies or blink their eyes, therefore they are constantly on the watch for danger.

4. House flies produce a lot of poop and vomit.

Scientists discovered that houseflies defecate every 3-4 minutes throughout the day, based on their investigation. You could be sitting outside when a fly lands directly over your nose and leaves its mess there. They don’t care where they go to relieve themselves. They produce stomach secretions, which most people refer to as vomit, when they find the food appetizing. When flies descend on you, be cautious since their excrement or vomit may contain diseases.

5. Fruit flies can live without their heads or wings.

Scientists never cease to amaze us with their discoveries. It was recently discovered that a fruit fly could survive without its head or wings for several days, but not both at the same time. Despite being headless, the male fruit fly will continue to court the female. The headless female lives a regular life and can even fly and walk when she wants to.

6. Flies are known to spread a variety of ailments.

The diseases that flies spread, as well as their nasty feeding and breeding behaviors, make most people dislike them. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites have been linked to over 65 diseases. Anthrax, Cholera, Salmonella, Tuberculosis, and Typhoid are just a few of the illnesses conveyed by these bothersome insects.

7. Houseflies have a short lifespan.

Houseflies are short-lived creatures. An average housefly lives for around 30 days, and it only takes ten days from the time they hatch to the time they mature into adults. Houseflies can live for a long period if they have access to sugar and other food supplies. They are more likely to survive longer if the temperature is higher. Houseflies, on the other hand, cannot survive for more than three days without nourishment.


A Housefly’s Life Cycle

Houseflies, like most insects, go through a complete metamorphosis, going through all four phases of development. They also do not live for a long time. The flies are usually dead or on the edge of death after thirty days.


The cycle starts with an egg, then larvae, pupae, and finally the adult. In her lifetime, an average housefly can lay up to six batches, each carrying roughly 150 eggs. The eggs hatch in 8 hours, and the flies are usually completed with the first three phases of larval development in 20 hours.


In the development of larvae, there are four stages. The maggots grow so quickly that they colour their skin after each stage (molt). They feed on rotting waste items such as feces and dead animals at this stage. Maggots are white, legless organisms that crawl on their bodies for movement. Maggots prefer a dark location during the pupal stage of their life cycle after they molt for the last time.


The pupal stage of development is critical because the fly’s wings, legs, and other bodily functions are developed during this time. This stage is similar to that of butterfly cocoons, except that flies are covered by hard brown casings. A complete pupal stage takes around three days on average, although it can take up to six days.


The adult stage of a housefly’s life cycle is the final stage. The fly is normally completely mature at this point, capable of mating and depositing eggs. It takes around ten days to finish the procedure, after which the housefly can live for another two to three weeks.

Flies mate in a variety of ways.

The level of complexity in flies’ mating behavior is astounding. The male fly, like other creatures, takes the first move. It swoops down on the female fly and lands on top of her thorax, its front legs resting at the base of her wings. The female fly’s rear legs will then lay beneath her abdomen.

The female wings expand out and vibrate so quickly at this phase that they produce a deafening buzz. The male spreads out his front legs and rubs the female fly’s head once it is in the appropriate position. If the female has previously mated, she may exhibit resistance and shake off the male.

If the male lands in mid-air, they will both land on a nearby surface. To obtain sperm, the female prods her organ into the male’s vaginal hole during copulation. Female flies retain sperm until the oocytes are ready for fertilization. As a result, girls may encounter masculine pushback.

Surprisingly, flies can take up to two hours to mate, which is a long time for such a fast species. They hatch, develop, and move quickly, yet mating takes an unusually lengthy period for them.

Flies’ Behavior

Flies can be surprising in their behavior, especially if you aren’t used to having them around. There are more than 110,000 species of fly on the planet, and understanding how they act at different phases of development could aid in the fight against infestations.

a buzzing noise

When flies travel from one location to another or are scared, they make a strange buzzing sound. Flies beating their wings together produce the buzzing sound. Depending on the species, it could be high or low. It’s not an uncommon occurrence among flying insects, as most of them are known to rub their wings when in flight.

Legs rubbing

Have you ever wondered why a fly rubs its legs together when it lands without being startled? The truth may surprise you because these critters are actually cleaning their legs of trash and food particles. Of course, flies are filthy critters that live on sputum and dead decaying animals and crawl on animal dung. Surprisingly, they clean up after themselves after every meal.

When flies consume, they behave in a certain way.

Flies have two sponge pads and a straw for sucking up liquefied food. Because they are unable to chew, they must break their meal into liquid or microscopic particles before swallowing. They liquefy or break down the meal by releasing an enzyme from their stomach, which liquefies or breaks it down into smaller, finer particles.

Flies taste your meal with their feet as they crawl from one end of your plate to the other. They release an enzyme from their stomach to liquefy the food before eating it if they find it palatable. The stomach enzyme is commonly referred to as vomit, but it can also carry microorganisms that spread diseases.


Embarrassing Flies Facts

Flies may appear innocuous due to their small size, yet they are filthy creatures. Because of their persistent buzzing, they are frequently considered a nuisance. These are insects you don’t want in your establishment, especially if you work in the hospitality industry or provide health care. They carry harmful germs that have been linked to serious infections in humans and other animals.

1. They live off filth.

In a clean atmosphere, you will never discover a fly breeding. It is constantly filthy, with animal corpses, feces, garbage dumps, and wounds. They’re frequently seen in bathrooms, pit latrines, and kitchens. You don’t want a fly crawling all over your food since you never know where it stopped for a meal the last time it was hungry.

2. Flies use their feet to taste food.

There’s a lot to say about flies, but the fact that they taste with their feet is even more incredible. Taste receptors are found on the legs of flies. They are essentially tasting the food when they creep over feces and dead rotting materials to see if it would be a sumptuous meal. You may not notice this, but it will hit you when a fly lands on your food and begins to do the same thing.

3. Flies can poop and vomit in any location.

There’s an old adage that says you should never poop where you eat. If you say it to a fly, it will shag you. Because flies live on a liquid diet, their digestion is quite quick. Flies defecate every 2-3 minutes, according to research. They spew stomach enzymes to liquefy the meal whenever they land on it and find it tasty.

You could be sitting outside on your porch, enjoying some grilled meat, when a fly lands on top of your steak just as you bite into it. Isn’t it revolting? But you disregard it since you were looking forward to the edge and decide to take it anyhow. You are oblivious to the fact that the fly may be carrying harmful bacteria that could make you very sick.

4. Infestations of maggots

Flies lay eggs on living organisms, which develop into larvae or maggots, causing margot infestations. The maggots eat and develop on the living organism’s subcutaneous layer. Infestations are most common when you have a wound or live in squalid conditions or in places where maggot infestations are known to exist. Although some flies have been observed to start infestations on unbroken skin, this is a rare occurrence.

5. Disease-causing pathogens are carried by flies.

The last thing you want invading your area are flies. Scientists have discovered that some flies, such as the common housefly, can carry over a million bacteria, which can contaminate food and work surfaces. Some have been known to transmit viruses and parasite eggs to a host, which is usually a human. These pathogens are dangerous, and if not treated, some of them can be fatal.

Which country is devoid of flies?

Flies can be found all over the world, thanks to the approximately 110,000 species that exist and the rapid rate at which they reproduce. But this isn’t true because some conditions are impossible for flies to survive, and even if they do, it won’t be for long. For a long time, no insect, including flies, has been reported on Iceland.

Even if the insects took a journey with humans from warmer locations, the temperatures are usually too cold for them to survive. There may be a few insects in Iceland, although they are not native to the country; nonetheless, they are not likely to survive for long.

The Canary Islands, off the coast of Morocco, are another site where no insects have been documented. There were no humans in this location at first, but the recent human invasion introduced insects, especially flies. These insects are hardy, and you can often find them in unexpected locations. Iceland appears to be the only region where flies are not present, owing to the cold temperatures, which make it difficult for the insects to function.

What do flies eat when they land on your skin?

The usual fly diet, as we all know, is nothing short of revolting. When a fly lands on your skin, it is almost probably drawn to something. When hurt, humans tend to shed bodily fluids such as sweat, tears, and sometimes blood. Infected wounds produce pus, which has been shown to attract flies.

Flies are commonly drawn to bodily fluids and smells. Minerals and food molecules found in sweat, tears, pus, and blood attract flies. They see proteins, minerals, sugars, and even carbs in your skin. At some point, the human skin smells like or produces at least one of these bodily secretions.

Surprisingly, flies find it difficult to ignore you since they rely on smell, even if it only reminds them of a small part of what they’re seeking for. They won’t waste any time preying on your skin for whatever they can get their hands on.

Some flies, such as the horsefly, can be rather aggressive, poking your skin and drinking up the blood that has accumulated in the wound. As a result, whenever you’re out on a hot day, you should wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, especially if you’re in a region where these insects are common.

In the world of the flies, they are only hunting for food and do not intend to harm us. However, the pathogenic bacteria they carry are not to be laughed at.

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What Do Flies Consume?

Flies eat a variety of foods, and their preferences for one type of food may differ from one species to the next. Flies eat a variety of things, including human meals, plant nectar, and feces. They are frequently seen near the carcasses of deceased animals, where they lay their eggs.

Flies have spongy mouths that aren’t designed to chew, so they only eat liquids. When they come into contact with solid food, they vomit an enzyme from their stomachs that liquefies the meal. They have sensory organs on their legs that allow them to taste food before eating it.

Fruit flies, contrary to popular perception, do not eat fruits. Instead, they’re more interested in the yeast released by ripening fruits. They’re likely to be found near fermenting chemicals or spilled alcoholic beverages. Sugar appears to be a thing for them, and you’ll occasionally see them devouring ripe bananas.

House flies enjoy rotting food, which is why they can be found in kitchen waste bins. In pursuit of sugars, proteins, carbs, and other minerals, they also eat human and animal feces. In a nutshell, they thrive in filth and decaying stuff.

Do Flies Have a Sleep Cycle?

You’re bothered by flies buzzing around your ears during the day. They don’t give you any piece of mind. But have you ever considered where they spend their nights? Do these bugs ever go to sleep? If you believe they sleep at night, well, that’s your prerogative. The flies sleep the most of the time at night, although they also take short naps during the day.

Flies are least active at night due to the cold temperatures, which cause their bodies to slow down and malfunction. During the night, most flies seek shelter behind grass, leaves, branches, corners, and furniture.

Flies have a central nervous system, which is crucial for them to be able to sleep. They, too, have a sleeping cycle, similar to humans. Humans, for example, sleep in two stages, known as light and deep sleep. Flies, according to research, have the same sleeping habits as humans, alternating between light and deep sleep.

Because their brains need to develop, younger flies sleep for longer periods of time than adult flies. The effects of medications and substances on sleep are also a factor. Caffeine, for example, keeps individuals awake, whereas alcoholic beverages make them sleepy. Flies can sleep for up to 12 hours at a time during the night, and they are more active in warmer conditions.

Is it True That Flies Have Brains?

Yes, indeed. Because flies are such small insects, this reality may surprise you. However, their brain functionality cannot be compared to that of humans. In fact, as long as the hemolymph is not lost, flies can survive without the brain for a few days. The brain is divided into three lobes that govern separate functions. It is located in the head.

Is it True That Flies Have Hearts?

Humans enjoy comparing the functions of their bodies to those of other living species. Although flies have hearts, they bear no resemblance to the human heart. The heart of a fly is essentially a lengthy tube that runs along its abdomen. They have an open circulatory system that extends and contracts in order to circulate blood (Hemolymph) throughout the body.

Because the fly heart lacks arteries and veins, it’s nearly impossible for flies to suffer a heart attack. The flies, on the other hand, have auxiliary channels in the thorax that transfer hemolymph to organs such as wings and legs utilizing heart rhythms. Blood pulsates from the abdomen and flows straight to the fly’s head.

Is it True That Flies Have Lungs?

Even if you could find a small rope to tie around the fly’s neck, it will never choke to death. They don’t have a complex system in place to collect oxygen and transfer it throughout the body. Flies don’t have lungs; instead, they breathe through spiracles, which are tiny openings on their bodies.

Spiracles are fluid-filled tubes that attach to the trachea. The trachea is the tube that transports oxygen to the trachea, where it diffuses with the fluids. The oxygen diffuses to the insect’s body cells through the tracheal walls.

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Is it True That Flies Have Ears?

Human and fly ears are two extremely different organs, just as people and flies are not the same. They do, however, have systems that allow them to enhance low noises. It is correct to say that flies do not have ears and instead interpret noises with their antennae.

The antennae’s outer segments serve as receivers. This portion is known as the eardrum in humans, and it is responsible for receiving sound waves. Although flies have ears, the organ is not as advanced as that of a human or any other creature with a complete hearing system.

Do Flies Experience Pain?

Insects, particularly fruit flies, have been known to experience something like to acute pain for over 15 years. This sensation is known as nociception by scientists. They have learned recently that the neural system of the fly can suffer from chronic discomfort. Chronic pain is distinguished from acute pain by the fact that chronic pain can endure as long as the fly lives, whereas acute pain is only temporary.

Scientists removed the legs of numerous fruit flies and kept them alongside other flies to see if they experienced chronic discomfort as well. Even humans have been known to suffer from persistent nerve pain as a result of such an injury. They were placed in rooms with temperatures to see if they responded to stimuli after the wounds healed.

The scientists noticed that once the temperatures were lowered, the damaged flies attempted to flee the room since they couldn’t handle the heat any longer. They reacted to stimuli, indicating that they were in some form of chronic pain. Flies, and most likely other insects, can feel pain.

Children’s Fly Facts

If you want to dive deep into the study of flies, you’re in luck because they’re one of the most studied insects on the planet, with a wealth of material to feed your mind. The following are only a few of the many interesting facts about these insects:

• In her lifetime, a female fly can lay over 9000 eggs, with each batch having 75-150 eggs.

• Within a day, the eggs hatch into maggots that feed on the host, which can be a dead animal’s carcass or feces.

• Flies have sensory receptors on their feet that help them evaluate whether or not a food will be tasty.

• Flies have a liquid diet, which causes them to poop every 2-3 minutes since food passes quickly through their digestive system.

• The majority of fly species do not live for long periods of time. The fly is usually dead or on the edge of death after around 30 days.

• Flies’ 360-degree compound eyes allow them to see behind them. That explains why swatting a fly is usually so tough.

• Flies vomit before eating to allow stomach enzymes to liquefy the solid food.

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Flies: Interesting Facts

There is so much information about flies that you will never be able to consume it all in one sitting. However, some fun facts about these creatures can help you better understand them.

• Flies don’t have ears, so they utilize their antennae to amplify low sounds, which the brain subsequently interprets.

• Flies have two or more eyes. A second pair of eyes, in addition to the compound eyes, aids in the interpretation of light variations and brightness levels.

• Male flies are always on the lookout for mating partners, and females, especially if they have mated before, may rebuff their advances.

• When a male fly attempts to mate with a female, the attack can occur anywhere, including mid-air, before landing flat on their thorax.

• Flies are notorious for cleaning after each meal, which you should emulate. They are getting rid of food detritus and dust as they rub their front legs together.

• Flies are always ready to fly, meaning they can take off at any time if frightened.

Various types of flies

Flies are found in over 110,000 species worldwide, with over 17,000 species reported in North America alone. It’s critical to know what kind of fly you’re dealing with, especially if you’re dealing with an infestation. Although some flies may appear to be similar, their behavior and, to some extent, their physical appearance distinguish them.

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The housefly and the fruit fly are two of the most prevalent flies.


You’ll see this fly around your house on a regular basis. They have a distinctive gray color and four white stripes down their thorax, and are found all throughout the world. The eyes of houseflies are red compound eyes. They grow quickly, taking as little as seven days to mature from an egg to an adult.

Flies that eat fruit

Fruit flies, like houseflies, are prevalent all over the world, and you could see them in your home now and again. They have a brown appearance with red or darker eyes and a gray and black abdomen. They’re frequently found hiding around decaying food, fruits, and alcoholic beverages. The fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs in optimum conditions, which hatch in a day and mature into adults in a week. They have a 30-day life span.

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Even the mention of a horsefly can give some folks the chills. They are frequently found near horses, which explains their name. Their eyes are huge, green or purple, and their antennae are short. They have a high rate of flight and have been known to attack moving things. The female horsefly feeds mostly on blood, whereas the male horsefly feeds mostly on pollen. Humans and other animals can be attacked by female horseflies. They spread infections, particularly harmful microorganisms.

Among the other types of flies are:

• The Blowfly

• Black flies

• Flesh flies

Pollenia Rudis is a species of Pollenia Rudis.

• Calliphora niger

• The common bottle fly

• Crane-fly is a term used to describe a type of fly that

• Fly that is stable

• Deerlfies are a type of deer.

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How to Recognize Flies

A fly has three bodily components, like other insects: the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head of most species has two compound eyes and a pair of antennae, however other species have varied morphological traits. The thorax has six legs, three on each side, and two wings that assist the fly move around. The flies’ colors vary from one to the next; nonetheless, you can observe gray, green, brown, tan, and even black.

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Whether at home, at your restaurant, or in your health care facility, a fly infestation is the last thing you want to deal with. They have been found to harbour dangerous bacteria that can cause life-threatening infections. Flies eat decaying food, animal and human feces, rotting fruits, and even alcoholic beverages. They also vomit and poop frequently, which means you must be always vigilant because viruses can swiftly infect you.

Collin Miller

Since 2002, Collin has specialized in the pest control industry. He has a Pest Control and Termite Control Commercial Applicator License. He serves on the Missouri Pest Management Association board of directors as a director at large, and he attempts to provide a personal touch in pest eradication to customers in the Ozarks. When the weather is great, Collin enjoys working in his yard, cooking, and hanging out with family and friends, as well as watching football.

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