How to Get Rid of Dust Mites on Dogs

One of the most prevalent causes of allergic reactions in humans, dogs, and cats is dust mites.

These tiny insects can be found in almost every home. To be clear, having dust mites is not a hygiene issue. Even the cleanest homes are infested with these pests.

It is nearly hard to entirely eradicate them, as much as we would like to. However, we can reduce our exposure and manage our symptoms to improve our quality of life.

How to Get Rid of Dust Mites on Dogs


So, what’s the best way to get rid of dust mites on dogs? Most allergic reactions to dust animals, unfortunately, go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed.

Many pet owners are unaware of the degree of their pets’ damage because of their small stature. As a result, the majority of mite allergies are left untreated.

What Causes Dog Mite Allergy?

The immune system is critical in the fight against diseases and infections. A good immunity system detects and eliminates potential threats, ensuring that your pet remains healthy.

An immune system, on the other hand, can mistakenly recognize certain compounds as a threat. As a result, a negative reaction known as an allergic reaction occurs.

Dust mites cause allergies in dogs and humans by producing a specific protein. This protein is derived from dust mite excrement and dead body parts. Isn’t it revolting?

Dust mites prefer warm, damp environments like mattresses, carpets, and upholstery. Unfortunately, if you want to share your house with your pets, you will almost certainly be exposed to dead dust mites.

Although the dog is unlikely to develop an allergy the first time it comes into contact with the allergen, continued exposure will cause the immune system to react.

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Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy in Dogs

You will notice the following symptoms in your dog if feces or dust mites, dead or alive, penetrate into the skin or lungs. The symptoms, however, differ from dog to dog.



Scratching becomes more intense.

Eyes that are watery

Excessive licking

Breathing difficulties

Vomiting and diarrhoea

If left untreated, it will develop a thick crusty or wet coat.

Dust mite allergies can affect any dog, regardless of gender, breed, or age. Some people, however, are more vulnerable to attacks than others. They are as follows:

  • Retrievers
  • Terriers
  • Bulldogs
  • Pugs
  • Over three-month-old dogs
  • Setters
  • German Shepherds
  • Schnauzer miniature

Dust Mite Allergies in Dogs Diagnosis

It can be difficult to determine the cause of a dog’s dust mite allergy. This is due to the fact that the symptoms are similar to those of a variety of other illnesses, such as food and parasite allergies. As a result, for optimal therapy, you should obtain a professional diagnosis.

Your veterinarian will conduct a physical examination to check vital signs and ask questions about the symptoms, such as when they first appeared. A dust allergy can also be diagnosed with certain tests. A blood sample is taken to examine for symptoms of allergy present in a serum test.

The most accurate test for allergies is an intradermal test, which is also the most expensive. Make careful to emphasize that the dog is well outside and that the problem persists throughout the year. This will assist the veterinarian in narrowing down the potential allergies.

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Treatment for Dust Allergies in Dogs

After you’ve received your diagnosis, the next step in how to get rid of dust mites on dogs is to administer suitable treatment. Depending on the severity of the condition, your veterinarian may offer a variety of treatment choices to help control the symptoms. You should be aware that some alternatives carry a higher risk of adverse effects than others. Antihistamines, corticosteroids, topical ointment, antibiotics, and hypoallergenic shampoos are some of the most frequent drugs used to treat the skin.

Shots of immunotherapy

Although it may take longer to desensitize your dog to dust mites with this treatment, it has been shown to help with allergies. The biggest issue is that it can cause a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis, which can be fatal. In the event of an emergency, the vet can provide you with an epinephrine pen to inject into your dog.

Dust Mites on Dogs: How to Get Rid of Them

While it is hard to totally eliminate dust mites from your dog or home, there are strategies to dramatically lessen their presence.

Vacuum on a regular basis.

Clean your home at least once a week with a vacuum with a high-quality filter. The procedure not only eliminates dust mites that may cause allergies, but it also reduces the amount of accessible skin cells for the bugs to devour.

Allow fabrics to breathe.

Putting bedding and clothing in direct sunlight is one of the most efficient ways to get rid of mites. Vacuum them well after leaving them outside for up to 12 hours.

Air conditioning also aids with humidity control. Maintain a humidity level of 30-50 percent at all times. Dehumidifiers come in handy in this situation.

Grooming a dog

Because dogs absorb allergies via their skin, it is critical to bathe your dog on a frequent basis. The dust mites on the hairs will not come into contact with the skin as a result of this action. To ease itching, use specific shampoos.

Beddings should be washed in hot water.

Dust mites flourish in both carpets and mattresses. As a result, you should wash your dog’s bedding at least once a week at 130 degrees F.

Upholstery and floor coverings should be replaced.

Dust mites adore the deep fiber covers. Because of their small size, they can penetrate further into warm environments. To limit the amount of these surfaces, replace them with leather, hard flooring, and vinyl.

If you can’t afford to replace your carpets, steam clean them once a week to get rid of dust mites and other microorganisms. This is a better alternative than vacuuming.

Change the material of the dog’s bed.

Using micro-porous bed covers can help your dog’s symptoms significantly. Avoid filling with wool, feathers, or horsehair.

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Final Thoughts

When trying to figure out how to get rid of dust mites on your dog, keep in mind that the allergy cannot be healed.

The treatment options and actions you implement, on the other hand, will help to alleviate the symptoms of dust mite allergies. Depending on the dog, the healing period can last anywhere from a few months to a year.

If you have any worries about your dog’s health, speak with your veterinarian.

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Collin Miller

Since 2002, Collin has specialized in the pest control industry. He has a Pest Control and Termite Control Commercial Applicator License. He serves on the Missouri Pest Management Association board of directors as a director at large, and he attempts to provide a personal touch in pest eradication to customers in the Ozarks. When the weather is great, Collin enjoys working in his yard, cooking, and hanging out with family and friends, as well as watching football.

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