Mosquito Facts: Understand Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are the most vexing insects known to man. Some people regard them as the worst thing that has ever happened to mankind, a reminder of loved ones who died as a result of the viruses, bacteria, and parasites that these dreaded creepy-crawlies spread.

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You’ll never be able to love mosquitoes, no matter how sweet your soul is. In reality, according to the World Health Organisation, they are the leading cause of human suffering.

Mosquito Facts: Understand Mosquitoes


If there was a way to fully eliminate these insects, I am certain that millions of people will make it their life’s goal. That is unlikely to happen anytime soon due to the large number of mosquito species (approximately 3000) found around the world.

They only live for six to seven days, but with good breeding grounds, they will multiply into millions, if not thousands.

However, mosquitos aren’t just a nuisance; they still have interesting information to share. We go through a few of them to see why so many people are annoyed only by the mention of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes have existed for a longer time than dinosaurs.

Mosquitos have been around for over 210 million years, while dinosaurs only went extinct 65 million years ago, according to evidence. They’ve evolved over time to become some of the deadliest insects on the planet.

The only mosquitos that bite are females.

Only female mosquitoes bite because the blood from humans and other animals provides the perfect mix of nutrients for their eggs to develop.

Mosquitoes are voracious eaters.

Mosquitoes can suck blood equal to three times their body weight, which might surprise you. It’s as if a man who weighs 100 kilograms decides to eat 300 kilograms of food. That’s a high-level case of avarice.

Mosquitoes can lay up to 100 eggs at a time.

Despite their diminutive size, these pecky insects can lay up to 100 fertilized eggs in ideal breeding conditions. They search for the next victim to suck blood for the next batch of eggs after they’ve laid their eggs.

Female mosquitos only mate once.

Female mosquitoes, surprisingly, only mate once and can lay fertilized eggs up to three times without mating.

Mosquitoes bite only the people they want to bite.

Some people can say, “Why do mosquitoes just bite me and not my coworkers?” That’s because certain people emit a masking odor that makes it impossible for mosquitoes to detect them.

Carbon dioxide attracts mosquitoes.

Humans, like all animals, inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Exhaled carbon monoxide is a sign of life nearby for mosquitos, and it may be a source of their next meal. They use the auxiliary pulp to figure out where carbon dioxide comes from.

Mosquitoes have a low life expectancy.

If you figured you’d have to deal with itchy bites every day for the rest of your life, you were mistaken. A mosquito’s life cycle from egg to adult can take up to ten days. They will then live until they are about four weeks old, at which point they will die.

Mosquitoes take a long time to fly.

Mosquitoes would be the last to reach the finish line if an insect Olympics were held today. They flap their wings at a high rate of about 500 flaps per second, but they are still sluggish. They travel at 1.5 miles per hour on average, normally between meals and rest stops.

Male mosquitoes only feed on nectar 

When female mosquitoes bite you, they have nothing personal in mind. It’s in their biology to search out proteins needed for the creation of their eggs, and sadly, that protein can only be found in animal blood. Male mosquitoes, on the other hand, don’t need blood to lay eggs, so they don’t need it. Rather, they eat nectar from flowers.

Mosquitoes are the deadly insects

Mosquitoes are the deadliest species on the earth, transmitting the majority of vector-borne diseases. Vector-borne diseases account for 17 percent of all infectious diseases, resulting in more than 700,000 deaths per year, according to the World Health Organisation. Malaria is responsible for over 219 million cases and 400,000 deaths worldwide, the majority of which are children under the age of five.

Mosquito Facts for Kids 

Over 170 species of mosquitoes are present in the United States alone, out of over 3000 species worldwide. Female mosquitos have a small funnel-shaped mouth that points downwards to pierce the skin of their victims and sucking blood. Mosquitoes do not all bite humans, which is surprising. Some animals prefer cold-blooded creatures like snakes and frogs, while others prefer to drink the blood of pigs, goats, dogs, and birds.

Female mosquitoes have a longer life span than male mosquitoes.

Female mosquitoes have a longer life span than their male counterparts, according to research. Males normally live for about a week, while females can live for up to four months.

Mosquitoes can breed in a very small amount of water.

Mosquitoes only need a small amount of water to lay their eggs. Mosquitoes enjoy stagnant water, which can be found in old tires, garbage cans, ponds, and tree stamps.

Mosquitoes are at their most active at night.

These obnoxious insects are most active at night. They have the ability to travel up to 13 miles in search of blood from other animals and people. Mosquitoes can detect the carbon dioxide emitted when we exhale, which is why they tend to target when we are sleeping, when we are the least involved.

Mosquitoes may consume blood that is heavier than their own weight.

When mosquitoes feed on blood, their belly expands, allowing them to store three times their body weight in blood. That’s a 100-pound woman chowing down on 300 pounds of food. When a mosquito’s stomach is full, it can hardly fly, so it finds a place to rest before excreting. The blood meal is normally reduced by half within a few hours, and with the reduced weight, it can now fly easily.

The term “mosquito” refers to a small fly.

Mosquito gets its name from the Spanish word “musketas,” which means “little insect.” Gnats were the name given to mosquitos in ancient Europe. Because of their small size and light weight, they are appropriately called “little flies.”

Mosquitoes are disease vectors.

Mosquitoes are disease couriers as we refer to them as disease vectors. They bear pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, and viruses that cause disease. Dengue fever, Malaria, Zika virus, and Chikungunya are only a few of these diseases.

Children are killed by mosquitos at a higher rate than adults.

According to World Health Organization studies on mosquito-related mortality, children are more seriously affected than adults. Malaria, for example, is responsible for 400,000 deaths annually, the majority of which are children under the age of five.

mosquito coil

Mosquito Facts You Should Know

Mosquitoes are among the world’s most interesting insects. Every day, it seems as if something new and thrilling about these dreaded creatures emerges. Perhaps it is due to the ongoing study, since they are the leading cause of human suffering, according to the World Health Organisation. With so much research, something new is bound to surface every day, and the facts are frequently fascinating.

Did you know that blood type O is the preferred blood type of mosquitos?

Mosquitoes are more likely to feast on your blood if you have type O blood than if you have type A. Blood type B is the second most common blood type. In addition, about 80% of people in the United States secrete a chemical that reveals their blood type. Mosquitoes tend to prefer the blood of these individuals, regardless of blood type.

Do you know that if you’re high on beer, you’re more likely to be bitten by a mosquito?

While no definitive research has been done on this, it is curious how a mosquito is more drawn to a human who is inebriated than one who is sober. However, some theories stand out. It’s possible that being drunk causes one to emit a lot of carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes, or that the beer increases the amount of ethanol in one’s sweat.

Did you know that the warmer your body, the more appealing you are to mosquitos?

It’s possible that mosquitoes like hot blood, which would explain why they’re so prevalent in tropical areas. However, if your body gets hot or your temperatures rise often, you’re probably a mosquito magnet. They’ll start with you before moving on to your friend who has a low body temperature.

Did you know that the more you sweat, the more mosquitoes find you attractive?

Sweating allows the body to release acids, including lactic acid. When this happens, sweat accumulates on the surface of your skin, rendering you a mosquito magnet. They are drawn to people who have a higher lactic acid stockpile on their skin.

Did you know that dark clothing attracts mosquitoes rather than light clothing?

Whether or not you are bitten by mosquitoes is determined by the color of your clothing. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothing rather than light clothing. Black, dark blue, and brown colors are more attractive to these insects. Dark clothing, according to others, retains a lot more heat, which attracts mosquitoes.

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Did you know that mosquito bites do not cause allergic reactions in everyone?

A mosquito releases saliva to moisten your skin before biting you. If it bites you, you will get itchy and scratch yourself. Some people, however, are resistant to mosquito bites. The majority of people are allergic to substances found in saliva, which causes itching after a bite. However, this is not necessarily the case for everyone, as certain people do not experience discomfort or itchiness.

Are you aware that not all mosquitos are disease carriers?

Mosquitoes come in over 3000 different species around the world. Surprisingly, not all of these animals are afflicted with diseases. The people who carry these harmful diseases are known as vectors. Dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya, and the zika virus are all spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Did you know that before they mate, mosquitoes do a dirty dance?

While it hasn’t been proven conclusively, some research indicates that mosquitoes perform a dirty dance before mating. The mosquitoes perform a call-and-response dance by flapping their wings in a call-and-response pattern. If this is the sort of dancing they do, it must be a lot of fun and awesome.

What Is the Number of Hearts in a Mosquito?

Other species, such as mammals and birds, have two hearts, while mosquitos have only one. The long tube that stretches from the head to the tail and hangs below the cuticle distinguishes it. The heart is made up of multiple valves and muscles in the back two-thirds of the tunnel.

The heart pumps a clear fluid called hemolymph, which is the mosquito’s blood, as the muscles expand and contract. Blood normally flows straight to the brain, but it often changes course. Mosquitoes, unlike humans and other species, do not have veins or arteries from which to carry their blood. Instead, blood travels from the heart to the abdominal cavity before returning to the heart.

What Is the Number of Eyes on a Mosquito?

Mosquitoes, like most insects, have two compound eyes on either side of their heads. Hundreds of tiny lenses called ommatidia are found in each eye. Ommatidium, a separate sensory organ, projects a partial image to the mosquito’s brain in each of these lenses. The brain gathers and combines these partial images from each ommatidium to create a complete picture that is then perceived as seeing.

Mosquitoes have a pair of simple eyes called ocellia on top of their heads in addition to the compound eyes. Mosquitoes use their photosensitive eyes to track various light levels and shifts in light. In conclusion, it is right to conclude that mosquitoes have a large number of eyes.

Given their complex eye structure, mosquitos have poor vision and never seem to get as good images as human eyes. When a mosquito senses a host through carbon dioxide, it does not begin to see a picture until it is five feet away from the human.

What Is the Number of Teeth in a Mosquito?

A mosquito bite is so itchy that you might believe the insect has teeth that cause the pain. They have a small, hollow funnel-like tube that resembles a needle. The proboscis is a piercing organ that pierces the skin and sips blood as if sucking on a straw. The 47 sharp edges at the tip of the proboscis that mimic teeth form are what most people mistake for mosquito teeth.

Sharp edges are responsible for directly entering the bloodstream through the skin. They often assist mosquitoes in sucking blood even as the host moves, preventing the blood from being swayed away, much like anchoring a boat. They mostly eat liquids that don’t need chewing, such as blood and nectar.

The idea of mosquitoes having teeth may make a lot of sense to someone who isn’t well-versed in the topic. Mosquitoes, of course, bite, which might explain why some people believe this. However, biology encompasses a wide range of topics. When mosquitoes’ feeding habits and digestive systems aren’t designed to chew, why do they need teeth?

Types of Mosquitoes 

When you think of mosquitoes, you probably think of the deadly diseases they spread. Mosquitoes are present in over 3000 species around the world, with around 174 species found in the United States. Although not all mosquitoes transmit diseases, the most common ones are known to transmit diseases more than any other creature. Read on to learn about some of the most dangerous mosquito species.

Aedes Aegypti

The Aedes mosquito is the one that has been researched the most. You don’t want to get bitten by this mosquito. The Aedes is a mosquito that originated in tropical and subtropical areas and is now found all over the world. Dengue fever, Chikungunya, Zika virus, Yellow fever, and West Nile virus are all caused by mosquito bites. They’re sometimes found in wetlands, containers, tree trunks, and flooded water.

Anopheles Genera

This mosquito is most likely to blame for the majority of deaths around the world. They are largely to blame for the spread of Malaria, a disease that takes the lives of at least 400,000 people each year, the majority of which are children under the age of five. There are over 460 mosquito species in the genus Anopheles, which can be found all over the world. Scientists and researchers sometimes refer to them as marsh mosquitoes.

Culex Mosquitoes

The Culex mosquito is one of the most widespread species found in major cities and towns throughout the United States. It transmits avian Malaria, West Nile Virus, and filariasis and is the main vector for Japanese Encephalitis. Mosquitoes of the genus Culex are most active after sunset, but they also fly and strike during the day. It affects not only humans, but also animals like birds and dogs. They primarily breed in freshwater environments such as wetlands, pools, and wastewater treatment plants.


The Mansonian

The Mansonia mosquito is the biggest of them all. Their wings and legs are normally gleaming, and their bodies may be black or brown in color. Ponds and lakes are their preferred breeding sites. While more research is required, these mosquitoes may be potential rift valley fever virus vectors. They are Encephalitis transmitters that can be found all over the world.


The Psorophora mosquito is one of many mosquito species native to the United States. They are larger than other mosquitoes and have a reputation for being hostile towards humans and other species. Their proboscis is yellow in color with a black tip. The banded hairy legs of this mosquito are its distinguishing feature.

They sometimes breed in roadside ditches, pools, and wet pastures as they migrate long distances in search of blood meals. Surprisingly, they consume mosquito larvae and tadpoles in their habitat. Large mammals, such as elephants and humans, are their primary prey.


This mosquito is usually referred to as the elephant mosquito or the mosquito eater. Surprisingly, the larvae of this mosquito feed on the larvae of other mosquitoes in the same region. Their eggs hatch into larvae in 40-60 hours, which is a world first for mosquitoes.

They’re more likely to breed in tree holes and other man-made containers. They mostly consume plant nectar and do not pose a threat to humans. Environmental scientists have proposed that these mosquitoes be released outside of their areas to prevent Dengue fever.

Mosquito Life Cycle Stages

Mosquito control is critical in keeping them from infesting your home and turning it into their natural habitat. To be most successful, you must first understand the phases of these little monsters’ life cycle. Remember that they reproduce quickly and are considered to be resistant to certain pesticides. Mosquitoes in all of their over 3000 species go through the same four stages of their life cycle.


Mosquitoes will lay one egg at a time or in batches, depending on the species. The eggs may either float on the surface or stick to leaves and other floating items, making stagnant water ideal for breeding. The time it takes for mosquito eggs to hatch is around 48 hours, which is very fast for such a dangerous insect as a mosquito.


The mosquito larva spends its entire life in water, only emerging to breathe at the water’s surface. The larva of most species has a siphon tube and hangs upside down to help with breathing. They moult their skins four times on average before moving on to the next stage of production. Since they lack siphon tubes, some species, such as the Anopheles, prefer to lie parallel to the water’s surface to aid in breathing.


The pupa rests and doesn’t eat anything during the pupal stage to aid its development. They are, however, mobile and can respond to changes in light by flipping their tails and swimming to the bottom. The pupal stage is critical since it is during this stage that the mosquito transforms into an adult. The length of time it takes for a pup to mature varies by species and is also influenced by temperature. When the time is over, the pupa breaks its skin and the adult mosquito emerges.


The adult stage of a mosquito’s life cycle is the final stage. The mosquito (imago) emerges from the pupae skin after it separates, settles above the water to dry, and some of its body parts harden. It can’t fly at this stage because the wings aren’t properly set. The mosquito is normally fully grown after a few days, with wings stretched out and stronger legs, ready to go on a blood search.
The length of time it takes for each stage to grow varies depending on mosquito species, current temperatures, and other environmental factors. Some species can complete their life cycle in as little as four days, while others can take a month or more.

How do Mosquitoes Reproduce Sexually?

The mosquito is generally ready to mate two to three days after the pupal stage is completed, and females take a blood meal, which is critical for the development of the embryo. The sound made when female mosquitos flap their wings to find a suitable mating partner normally alerts the male mosquito.

When a female consumes semen, it is generally difficult for her to find a mate because her wings flap differently as a result of her increased weight, which is unattractive to males. Most species start mating in mid-air, about one meter above the ground.

To reproduce a new generation of mosquitos, they use the sexual reproduction mechanism. During mating, the male mosquito grabs the female’s abdomen and inserts its sexual organ into the female’s genital chamber. It fills it with sperm for about two minutes.

Since most female species can store sperm, which fertilizes the eggs during their lives, most female species only need to mate once. In rare circumstances, they can mate again if the sperm stored is insufficient.

How do Mosquito Eggs get fertilized?

The method of mosquito egg fertilization is very complicated. When the sperm entry aligns with the sperm duct, the mosquito releases the egg and then protrudes halfway through the genotreme, pausing briefly. Proteins are typically found in sperm, while carbohydrates are found in eggs. These proteins and carbohydrates serve as the basis for sperm and egg identification. When the two compounds touch, the eggs are fertilized, and the female lays the eggs within a short period of time.

How do Mosquitos Breathe?

Humans always try to equate how their bodies work to those of other living species. It provides a strong base for research, but the variations are numerous. Mosquitoes, like humans, require oxygen to survive. Mosquitoes, like other insects, have many tracheal openings in their bodies that enable them to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide via heart contractions.

How do Mosquitoes find your ears?

We take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide as we breathe. Mosquitoes are drawn to the scent of carbon dioxide, and as you would imagine, the region around your face is usually filled with it. This phenomenon does not explain why they gravitate toward the head.

While mosquitoes are attracted to the heat emitted by the body, the ears are an opening that allows a small amount of heat to escape. Other parts of the body, on the other hand, also produce a lot of heat, which doesn’t explain why mosquitoes are so drawn to your ears.

According to some hypotheses, mosquitoes confuse the wax’s scent with odours produced during mating. All of these hypotheses don’t point to a single cause. The only one that stands out is that mosquitoes are drawn to carbon dioxide emitted by breathing.

Article: Vitamins that repel mosquitoes

The Top 10 Mosquito-Infested Countries

If you think you have a lot of mosquitos in your home, think again. Some countries have a lot of mosquitos, and the majority of their bites cause different illnesses. The countries with the most mosquitoes are said to be Brazil, Thailand, and Indonesia.

Mosquitoes in Sub-Saharan Africa are believed to be responsible for 90 percent of Malaria deaths worldwide. The following is a list of some of the countries where mosquitoes have been found in large numbers.

  • Brazil 
  • Thailand 
  • Indonesia 
  • The Indian subcontinent
  • Philippines 
  • The Australian continent
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Kenya 
  • Uganda 
  • Pakistan 

Mosquitoes are found in most tropical regions of the world, although they are more common in Africa and most Asian countries. The availability of breeding grounds and favorable environmental conditions provide ideal conditions for mosquito proliferation.


Mosquitoes are the world’s deadliest insects. A female mosquito is the only one that bites, and they often bear some of the world’s most dangerous diseases. According to the World Health Organisation, they are the leading cause of human suffering. For example, Malaria has become so common that more than 400,000 deaths have been recorded worldwide, with 90% of those deaths occurring in Africa and affecting children under the age of five.

Malaria isn’t the only disease transmitted by these dreadful animals. Dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika virus, Chikungunya, and the West Nile Virus are among the other diseases. They reproduce by sexual reproduction and go through four stages in their life cycle, much like other insects. Since you never know which of these deadly diseases mosquitoes can carry, it’s critical to take preventative measures against them.

Collin Miller

Since 2002, Collin has specialized in the pest control industry. He has a Pest Control and Termite Control Commercial Applicator License. He serves on the Missouri Pest Management Association board of directors as a director at large, and he attempts to provide a personal touch in pest eradication to customers in the Ozarks. When the weather is great, Collin enjoys working in his yard, cooking, and hanging out with family and friends, as well as watching football.

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