Mosquitoes are one of the most vexing insects, and they can easily ruin an otherwise enjoyable day.
They have a keen sense of smell, which they employ to track their prey.
Protecting yourself against painful bites, not to mention lethal infections, necessitates taking preventative precautions.
Although chemical sprays can be used to eliminate these insects, they are damaging to both humans and the environment.
Mosquitoes are attracted to particular fragrances, but they are also attracted to specific aromas. Natural scents can be found in essential oils, flowers, and herbs.
Even children and dogs can safely use the components.
So, what smells do mosquitoes hate? Continue reading to discover about the most effective natural repellents.
What smells do mosquitoes hate?

1. Citronella
Are you seeking for mosquito-repellent plants to burn? The aroma of citronella is commonly linked with outdoor candles.
They have proven to be successful in repelling mosquitoes and other insects so far. The natural citrus scent is repulsive to insects.
However, make sure the citronella product you buy doesn’t have a floral scent, as this could increase mosquito bites.
In addition to candles, citronella oil can be used as a repellent on the skin. Citronella can also be planted at the base of plants or on the balcony to keep these pesky insects at bay.
2. Garlic cloves
Garlic has long been used as an edible insect repellent. Mosquitoes are known to despise everything about this onion family member.
It contains allicin, an active component that conceals our natural odor, making it difficult for mosquitoes to find their target. Although it has not been shown scientifically that eating garlic keeps mosquitos away, several people swear by it.
You may avoid the agony of forcing raw garlic down your throat by simply rubbing it on your skin.
Another option is to manufacture repellent sprays for your body and yard by combining garlic with other liquids or essential oils.
These bloodsuckers will attack you if they can’t take the smell.
3. Eucalyptus
This is most likely one of the greatest natural mosquito repellents that the CDC has certified. Eucalyptus, like citronella, has a strong odor that interferes with human scent.
It protects against mosquitoes as well as other pests such as sandflies, ticks, and midgets. To keep these pesky insects at bay, plant the trees in your yard or apply the oil directly to your skin.
Furthermore, combining eucalyptus oil with ethanol enables for easy spraying of plants and flowers for maximum pest protection.

4. Lavender Essential Oil
Are you looking for simple solutions to keep mosquitoes at bay this summer? Then this is the answer. Despite the fact that most people enjoy the aroma of lavender, mosquitoes despise it.
The plant’s physical presence alone is enough to keep insects at away while also beautifying your grass. Furthermore, you may always extract its oil for use in numerous household purposes.
This substance has a calming effect and can even be used to treat insect bites.
Article: Why do mosquito bites itch more on your feet
5. Peppermint leaves
Peppermint is more than just a popular flavor in tea or a popular breath freshener in chewing gums.
It’s found in a lot of pesticides and repellents. Mosquitoes dislike the minty scent, so it keeps the troublesome insects at bay. By crushing the leaves and rubbing them on your skin, you can use them as a repellent.
Extraction of oil is also a great concept. Do you have an itchy bump? The calming sensation of peppermint is sure to take your mind off the discomfort.
Peppermint can grow in virtually any type of soil and condition, however because to its rapid growth pace, it requires regular pruning.
How do I naturally get rid of mosquito larvae in my pool?
6. Catnip
Catnip gets its name from the fact that cats like the way it grows. In recent years, this herb has acquired reputation as an effective repellent.
Its essential oil, nepetalactone, is 10 times more powerful than the commercial insect repellent DEET. Catnip is an excellent mosquito repellent that may be grown in the backyard.
For natural healing, you can also massage the crushed leaves straight on your skin or add them to your tea.
Article: 20 facts about mosquitoes

7. Basilicum
Aside from topping excellent caprese salads, basil has a variety of purposes. Its oil may be extracted and has been shown to be effective at repelling insects.
Mosquitoes find the plant’s powerful perfume annoying and uncomfortable. Basil is one of many aromatic herbs that can be planted around your house to protect it from disease carriers.
Why not make DIY body sprays using basil essential oil?
Article: Does eating bananas repel mosquitoes
8. Neem
Neem is a good natural repellent, according to studies, with varied results on its efficiency. For a three-hour period, it provides roughly 70% protection against mosquitoes.
This implies you’ll have to reapply it from time to time. It’s utilized in the production of cosmetics like body lotions, soaps, and hair sprays.
The body creams not only provide a long-lasting impact, but they also have additional benefits such as skin therapy.
Article: Advantages of mosquito bites

FAQ: What smells do mosquitoes hate?
Q1: What can you burn to keep mosquitoes away?
Consider burning specific plants on the campfire if you want to have a fantastic camping experience.
The smell of sage, coffee grinds, or rosemary is unpleasant to mosquitoes and other insects. You can avoid itchy mosquito bites by burning such plants.
Q2: Are there any hazards associated with the use of natural repellants?
Yes, they do exist. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such as almond oil when utilizing them. Direct application of essential oils to the skin is hazardous and might result in a severe allergic reaction. When purchasing a new product, test it on a tiny area of your skin for any signs of skin irritation or burning.
Q3: Does lemon balm help to keep insects at bay?
Lemon balm is a great insect repellent as well as a curative oil. It has a harsh lemony aroma that mosquitoes dislike because to a chemical called citronellal.
So, what odors do mosquitoes despise? Natural substances have been shown to be beneficial in repelling these insects in a number of studies.
These natural cures are not only good for the environment, but they’re also good for people. When it comes to sensitive populations like youngsters, pregnant women, and the elderly, they are the ideal protective solution.
Traps can also be used to keep the biters at bay.